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The Soundtrackcollector database contains:
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A search for 'The Constant Gardener' gave the following results:

1 matches in titles (motion pictures, tv shows/series, video games and compilation albums):
3 matches in composers
  1. Marius Constant
  2. Constant Lambert
  3. John Constant

601 matches in tracks
  1. The Constant Gardener [3M13] (01:16)
    from Homesman, The
  2. Love Making (00:00)
    from Universal Film Score Series, Volume One
    from The Constant Gardener (Iglesias)
  3. Three Bees Testing (00:00)
    from Universal Film Score Series, Volume One
    from The Constant Gardener (Iglesias)
  4. Joy Ride/Mighty Good Times (02:34)
    from Point Blank
    "Mighty Good Times" by Stu Gardener performed by Stu Gardener Trio
  5. Joy Ride/Mighty Good Times (02:34)
    from Outfit, The
    "Mighty Good Times" by Stu Gardener performed by Stu Gardener Trio
  6. Trailer Music (Bonus Track) * (02:03)
    from Man On A Mission: Richard Garriott's Road To The Stars
    * = music composed by John Constant & Samantha Constant
  7. Gardener And Son (00:15)
    from Man In A Suitcase
  8. Gardener (00:43)
    from Invitation
  9. Gardener (00:43)
    from Life Of Her Own, A
  10. Gardener (00:47)
    from Nekromantik
  11. Gardener* (00:46)
    from Nekromantik
  12. Gardener* (00:46)
    from Hot Love
  13. Gardener (00:47)
    from Nekromantik
  14. Gardener (00:47)
    from Nekromantik
  15. The Gardener (00:00)
    from Akeelah And The Bee
  16. GARDENER'S SUITE (00:00)
    from Evil Under The Sun
  17. The Gardener (00:45)
    from Nekromantik
    end of side 1
  18. The Gardener (00:45)
    from Nekromantik 2
    end of side 1
  19. Gardener Nostalgia (02:54)
    from Theon Talo
  20. Gardener Gets Snipped (05:32)
    from Don't Be Afraid Of The Dark
Show all 601 matching tracks